Practices to get back on track

Sevil Topal
2 min readMay 25, 2020

Become a better version of the person you were..

When you force thought you don't usually get your best thought.

It’s in those moments and that’s why when you’re in the shower, not even thinking about something, we have our best ideas or when you fall asleep not even thinking about something we have our best ideas. This is a way to engineers that space for tapping into your genius every single day morning so that you bring those your ideas and that clarity into your day. That’s one-way meditation, not to remove thoughts, you can and sometimes I’ll sometimes meditate in that way where I just try to get to the state of being, really loving and peaceful. But ultimately, I typically will have a specific result that I want to generate internally, either mentally or emotionally. And I will set that intention going into meditation and I will use meditation actively to do that. So, I will think something over and over again while I deeply feel in a way that will serve me for the rest of the day.

I’d like to end with a quote as always :)

“Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by the person you come”- Jim Rome

Bonus: There is free training for 24 hours valid in LinkedIn you may interest in-



Sevil Topal

MSc @ TUM, Agile Coach @ MMS, SM, Industrial Engineer, Wanderluster, texting about business, agility, scrum, wellness, productivity, travel, and 20’s life.